V2X st

Rolling Wireless standalone V2X modules are high-performance, automotive-grade modules supporting different V2X technologies and configurations. They support both DSRC (IEEE 802.11p, ITS-G5, IEEE 802.11bd) and C-V2X (LTE-V2X and NR-V2X) technologies in a single device, even concurrently.

Our standalone V2X modules will adapt to any customer system architectures:

  • Modules requiring connection with a host processor can be easily connected to Rolling Wireless 5G NADs, which will run an optimized V2X stack and applications and provide the 1PPS signal. Alternatively, they also offer the flexibility to be connected to an external host processor.
  • Other modules embed a processor running a pre-integrated V2X ITS stack.

Rolling Wireless V2X modules can be used for Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, and Vehicle-to-Pedestrian applications. This includes Day-1 applications for cooperative safety warnings such as forward collision, emergency vehicle approaching, roadwork, and traffic jam, as well as Day-2+ applications such as cooperative lane change manoeuvre, vulnerable road user protection, and more.